The founder and director of the Art Apart Fair, Rosalind Lim is a passionate and tireless promoter of contemporary art by both established and emerging artists. With over 38 years of experience in public relations, branding, marketing, event management, business development, finance and fundraising, Lim's senior position experiences include OEM Manager at Microsoft, Vice President at Edelman, Group Director at Hill & Knowlton and Regional Marketing Director at Liang Court , Hospitality and Property Development Business Segment .
Lim has been collecting contemporary art as early as the 1970s, and is currently working with both established and emerging artists around the world to help promote their works to an impressive client base of corporations , art collectors and art enthusiasts that she has personally built up over the years.
She was the first in Singapore and London to promote emerging artists’ works in hotels. She cemented the foundation for successful hotel art fairs namely at Town Hall London, Conrad Centennial Singapore, ParkRoyal on Pickering and Pan Pacific Orchard. This form of art exhibition makes easy entry for emerging artists to participate.
While working as free-lance art consultant she researched artworks of established artists for corporations’ investments in Public Art and Installation Art.
She travels around the world in search of contemporary artists’ artworks for Art Apart Fair and Private Collectors . She is currently seeking out residency programmes in Europe for artists from Asia to participate and vice versa.

Ai WeiWei
in Beijing

Im Goonoo
in Seoul

Ernest Zakaravic
in Penang

Javier Urani
in Buenos Aires

Debbie Lawson
in London

Maxim Bashev
in Moscow
Conrad Centennial Singapore was the first hotel venue where the Art Apart Fair was held in January 2013 where 33 rooms were converted into art space showcasing paintings and photography to video art, sculptures and installations.
ParkRoyal on Pickering hosted six Art Apart Fairs in succession from 2014 to 2016.
Its management board had found the hotel-based boutique art fair an attraction to its hotel guests as well as the local art patrons which underlined the longstanding partnership.
In 2017, at the invitation of Pan Pacific, Art Apart Fair held its 8th Edition in suites and convention floors of the hotel.
In its 9th Edition in 2018, at the invitation of Wisma Atria, more than 8,000 square feet of prime shopping space at road level of Orchard Road was converted into an art enclave for shoppers over a period of eight months.
Art Apart Fair took a new turn with developer of Goodwood Grand on Balmoral Road to furnish four brand new bungalows with artworks, sculptures, designed furniture and lightings, converting the space into artistically unique showroom.
This 10th Edition marked another new milestone for Art Apart to bring arts to upmarket living space.
Throughout the art collection journey, Rosalind has provided research and advice to her longstanding clients. Having rooted in the global art world for more than 30 years, she has built a network of art collectors, established artists and international art curators, enabling her to provide art advisory services to art buyers for acquiring/auctioning artworks of value.
For the love of arts, Rosalind has gone the distance with her bespoke service to assist avid art collectors exhibit their private art collection of famous artists including Ai Weiwei, Im Goonoo and many more others.
Art Apart plays an important role in the outreach to raise art interest in social spaces. As such, Art Apart Pop-up takes on the role of securing suitable spaces for art shows and art appreciation.
Art Apart Pop-up events endeavor to bring to the public an intimate and friendly setting that opens up dialogue for art interest and acquisition.
A sizeable portfolio of more than 500 artists and 100 artisans from around the world play an important part to meet the Art Apart commercial clients’ marketing appetite – from art curation, art installation, art design, art consultancy to art merchandising. Companies that engage Art Apart Marketing and Consultancy can harness the opportunity for their clients to experience unique and exclusive show of product position and product launch in an artistic atmosphere. A culmination of visual art, artisan design and decorative art installation together with art performance and culinary art will set an entity apart in their marketing strategy. Here, Art Apart plays a pivotal role in providing the strategic marketing plan utilizing different art forms to create a memorable client experience.
In any marketing project, communication is crucial to its success. Art Apart not only assists clients in planning and curation but also creates the story and communication channel.
Rosalind Lim also initiated the "Adopt An Artist" project where a Patron of the Arts and Sponsors, an individual or business entity, assist emerging artists to build successful careers. This initiative encourages an individual to be a “do-gooder” and business entity to be a “good corporate citizen”.
Art Apart prides itself with capabilities in providing a unique platform for individual and business entity to assist emerging artists for Artist Residency Program, Art Awards and Art Shows to showcase their talents.
For artists who wish to apply for Artist Residency, Art Award and Art Show, please submit your application (selected Artist will be notified by email; if no reply is given within 4 weeks, the application is deemed unsuccessful):
Application for Art Apart online (to be submitted by Artist) Download form here
- Application for Art Apart Fair exhibition (to be submitted by Artist) Download form here
Application for Artist Residency Program (to be submitted by Artist) Download form here
For business entity and individual, please email Art Apart for willingness to adopt/support Artist(s):
Good Corporate Citizen
Patron of the Arts
Individual could support and help our artists of your choice to grow and improve their Creative skills through residency programmes overseas. Your support could also come in the form of space rental subsidy so they could exhibit their artworks.
Emerging Artists do not have regular income and their livelihood depends on artworks they are successful in selling.
We at Art Apart assist the artists by counselling and coaching them and creating a platform for them to exhibit their artworks both online and offline.
Corporations through our good corporate citizen programmes could join our "Adopt an Artist Sponsorship" project.
Please email us to express your interest and we’ll be happy to arrange a meeting to share our programmes and how you could help our budding and emerging artists.
Art Apart Advisory Pte Ltd
Email: artapartadvisory@mail.com
Curator: Rosalind Lim @ +65 9634 9797